Welcome and congratulations on taking the first step to acquire the best in auto glass removal, replacement, repair and calibration training available.
Since 1992, Auto Glass Academy has been offering professional instruction of the removal, replacement & repair of auto glass to technicians, owners & entrepreneurs that want a strong foundation to perform quality work.
Our training program is built on over 30 years of global research, product development and industry-wide training in an expansive range of environments.
Sign up incentives include a certificate of completion, AGSC Exam for AGRSS certification from the Auto Glass Safety Council, Urethane Product Certifications and credit toward the purchase of Equalizer® products.
Our core essentials program is a 5 day, all-inclusive course. Complete hands-on training using our fleet of vehicles to train on the removal and replacement of the windshields, back, quarter, and door glasses as well as rock-chip repair, urethane clinic, classic sets and live ADAS calibration sessions. We provide all tools needed for your training.

© Auto Glass Academy

© Auto Glass Academy

© Auto Glass Academy
From beginners to veterans of the auto glass industry. We offer an unparalleled training program that covers safety standards and proper procedures to remove, replace, repair and recalibrate all types of auto glass.

“Without quality and up-to-date training, technicians simply cannot be their very best. Not knowing the proper tools, methods, rules and limitations can drastically affect somebody's life. Learning to be your best is the key to complete success in the auto glass industry and by receiving AGSC training accreditation, is a recognition that Equalizer is committed to enabling technicians with everything possible to do their job most effectively.”
Gilbert Gutierrez
Auto Glass Academy